NHS Prisons

Delivering solutions that work

Diagnostic Healthcare is an established NHS partner providing direct access diagnostic imaging with extensive experience of delivering MRI, ultrasound (NOUS and DVT), X-ray and DEXA/DXA scans in primary care and secondary care and in healthcare Trusts within a prison setting.

We have a detailed understanding of the requirements of the primary and secondary care sectors and take pride in providing these sectors with imaging services of the highest standard

Diagnostic Healthcare has the infrastructure and clinical support to provide a service to suit all healthcare Trusts within a prison setting. The routine work undertaken in a GP or hospital setting can be applied to a more stringent environment within the prison healthcare setting.

How can Diagnostic Healthcare support a healthcare Trust in a prison setting?

Diagnostic Healthcare can support a healthcare Trust in a prison setting to deliver its key requirements by:

  • Regular patient appointments
  • Limited movement of patient and associated guard capacity
  • Reduction in patient transportation cost
  • Full IT integration with local systems
  • Consultant-led service
  • Flexible capacity based on demand

How can a healthcare Trust commission the services of Diagnostic Healthcare?

Diagnostic Healthcare can be commissioned by direct award via multiple NHS accredited frameworks. To access the appropriate framework and for further information.

Please contact [email protected]
Diagnostic Healthcare Ltd.
The Royals, 353 Altrincham Road, Sharston, Manchester M22 4BJ
© 2022 Diagnostic Healthcare Ltd.
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